Better Neighborhoods
All residents of Little Rock deserve neighborhoods where children can play without the fear of gun violence, neighborhoods that offer nearby commercial and recreational opportunities, and neighborhoods where families trust that their homes and property are safe and secure. We must also promote “intracity tourism” where residents from all over Little Rock have a desire to shop, dine, and play in other parts of our great city.
I believe that better communities can be a reality by connecting people to resources by fully implementing community policing and community schools. Our city must offer access to resources that help families so they can build better communities that are economically self-sufficient and free from violence. Affordable housing and community investment opportunities are needed to jumpstart the development of better communities.
We are working to create better neighborhoods:
Sponsored ordinance to enforce tenant protection by providing process for City to foreclose on property if apartment fails to meet building codes and living standards
Led efforts to increase salary and staffing of code enforcements officers to provide for more rental inspections and to address code enforcement violations
Supported passage of funding to create micro home village for unsheltered population
Championed ordinance to allocate $5 million in funding for infrastructure in John Barrow neighborhood, 12th Street neighborhood, South End neighborhood, and Southwest Little Rock
Advocated for implementation of new processes for accountability of $5M of annual spending of Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment dollars to support our youth
Supported development of solar array that could d meet almost 70% of the city's electrical needs through solar energy