Believe in Better

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Believing in Better is a foundational way
of thinking about our city.

Believing in Better is a foundational way of thinking about our city. This will allow us to move past what we think is impossible, to believing that it can be done, to translating those beliefs into actions. Over the past four years, as your At-Large City Director, I’m honored to have partnered with you to move the city from just believing in a better Little Rock to working together to create a better Little Rock.

Believe in Better

Better Quality of Life

All residents of Little Rock deserve a sense of well-being driven by safe communities, access to quality education, affordable housing and the benefits of a growing job market. Creating a better quality of life for all residents means deliberate forward-thinking. We must build value that attracts new businesses and new residents to Little Rock while ensuring current residents remain an active part of existing neighborhoods.

Believe in Better

Better Neighborhoods

All residents of Little Rock deserve neighborhoods where children can play without the fear of gun violence, neighborhoods that offer nearby commercial and recreational opportunities, and neighborhoods where families trust that their homes and property are safe and secure. We must also promote “intracity tourism” where residents from all over Little Rock have a desire to shop, dine, and play in other parts of our great city.

I believe that better communities can be a reality by connecting people to resources by fully implementing community policing and community schools. Our city must offer access to resources that help families so they can build better communities that are economically self-sufficient and free from violence. Affordable housing and community investment opportunities are needed to jumpstart the development of better communities.

We are working to create better neighborhoods:

  • Sponsored ordinance to enforce tenant protection by providing process for City to foreclose on property if apartment fails to meet building codes and living standards

  • Led efforts to increase salary and staffing of code enforcements officers to provide for more rental inspections and to address code enforcement violations

  • Supported passage of funding to create micro home village for unsheltered population

  • Championed ordinance to allocate $5 million in funding for infrastructure in John Barrow neighborhood, 12th Street neighborhood, South End neighborhood, and Southwest Little Rock

  • Advocated for implementation of new processes for accountability of $5M of annual spending of Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment dollars to support our youth

  • Supported development of solar array that could d meet almost 70% of the city's electrical needs through solar energy

Believe in Better

Better Economic Opportunities

All residents of Little Rock deserve leadership who will ensure that every capital investment and every policy, plan, and vote will lead to job growth, increased wages, better schools, and safe communities in our city. We must make programming such as job training and access to viable public transportation available to supports the needs of all communities. If we believe in the power of small business and its ability to create better economic opportunities for residents, then we must act upon that belief, and invest in and cultivate small business throughout our city.

We are working to create better economic opportunities:

  • Voted for economic development investments that created over 9,000 jobs created since 2020

  • Created small business advisory council to develop policy change to provide additional assistance to small business owners

  • Supported economic development initiatives and quality of life improvements that led to Little Rock receiving national recognition

    • According to Forbes, Little Rock is a Top 10 place to live for young professionals

    • According to Southern Living, Little Rock is a Top 25 city to live in

    • According to MoveBuddha, Little Rock is a Top 12 city to move to in the United Statements

Believe in Better

Better Recreational Options

All residents of Little Rock deserve access to a thriving city scene where families can enjoy outdoor spaces, restaurants, museums, theaters and festivals. We must increase access to recreational options to make off days more enjoyable. We must move past the notion that our residents must leave Little Rock to “have fun,” and we can do that by encouraging investment into better recreational options throughout our city. I believe that our attractions can enhance our lifestyle and eventually make Little Rock a destination city. 

We are working to create better recreational options

  • Led the implementation of the RiverMarket Live Concert Series

  • Sponsored ordinance to allow Pedal Pub in Downtown Little Rock

  • Supported ordinance to extend Entertainment Districts in Downtown Little Rock and SoMa

  • Voted for ordinance to facilitate the development of TopGolf

  • Served as member of Executive Committee for the creation of the Downtown Masterplan to redevelop Downtown Little Rock, including the redevelopment of the RiverMarket Hall, and creation of the Black Entrepreneur and Incubator Hub on 9th Street

  • Chaired Downtown Density Taskforce to revitalize commercial and residential density in Downtown Little Rock